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My Home Is My Shoes

We are a Mother Jones kind of Museum--We take her story to the struggles and celebrations

Sites & Stories / Exhibits / My Home is My Shoes

On the Picket Lines

Chicago Teachers Union Strike 2019

Workers Education Classes

Mother Jones Lives -in parades and celebrations

Chicago St. Patrick's Day Parade

St. Patrick's Day Parades

Rockford Womens March 2018

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All text copyright 2007-2024,  Mother Jones Heritage Project , a 501-c-3 non-profit, unless otherwise stated. Our materials come from a variety of sources. Users must contact us, or the rights holders, to use  images or similar media. Contact us with any questions about our projects, questions about Mother Jones, or suggestions. We will get back to you by phone within minutes in most cases. If it is urgent, call 815-754-4750.

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