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Rosemary Feurer

#StrikeforOurLivesUIC: Mother Jones on the Line with SEIU 73 & Illinois Nurses Association

"Pray for the Dead, Fight Like Hell for the Living" was never more appropriate than for these care workers. They are fighting for the health of their patients and their fellow health-care workers at University of Illinois-Chicago hospital. Mother Jones spurs them on! They are also on strike at other hospitals in Illinois along with members of the Illinois Nurses Association, who called us up to work out bringing Mother Jones. Join them if you can. UIC is bringing strikebreakers from Texas, Tennessee, Nevada and Mississippi, all of which are on the City of Chicago's COVID ban, meaning they risk patients' lives. Diane Palmer, President of Local 73, said, "we are not only fighting for their livelihoods, but for their lives, the safety of their families and the communities being served." #SafetyInNumbers #FightForOurLives

Doris Carroll, President of INA, with nurses pictured above, channelled Mother Jones when she proclaimed, "We're not heroes, WE'RE Warriors!"


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