We received this message from Ireland and wanted to share.
Dear Mother Jones,
As an Irish Socialist Republican and Trade Union Activist, I write this letter with deep regret for not being able to attend your fictitious birthday party on May Day in 2024. Your legacy as one of the most feared women in America, fighting tirelessly for workers' rights and social justice, has been an inspiration to many, including myself.
I understand the importance of International Solidarity and Unity in our shared causes, and it pains me to have missed an opportunity to honour your birthday and celebrate your life's work. Please know that my absence was not a lack of respect or commitment to our shared values. My absence is because the travel costs are beyond me and even if I could afford too, I couldn't take the time off as I am running in the Local Elections for Sinn Féin in the Ennis Municipal District, Co. Clare, Ireland.
I hope you understand and accept my sincere apologies. Your commitment to standing up for the marginalized and fighting for a better world will always be remembered and cherished.
P.s. I wear your "Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living" badge on my Election Campaign jacket.
International solidarity forever,
Tommy Guilfoyle
Co. Clare
