Mini Mother Jones
Sites & Stories / Exhibits / Mini Mother Jones
We have created a way for you to take a Mother Jones exhibit with you! Take Mother to your office, to your Zoom Meeting, to the protest. She is the grandmother of all agitators, after all!
Mini Mother Is available at our store, with a few dress up supplies, including some hats and picket signs for display. But you can get creative and make your own display.
This concept, by Kate Klimut, was designed for our May Day celebration in 2018, and then we took her to Ireland that year (see below). If you send us your exhibit or how you used her, we might display it here on our website.
Voyage to Ireland and Durham Miners Gala celebration, 2018
In 2018 we went to Ireland and Durham and brought Mini-Mother with us. To learn more about that trip, see our blog page from 2018.